DfE Performance Table and Financial Benchmarking Table

DFE Performance Tables Moss Park Junior School (pre amalgamation in April 2023)

This link will give you the latest published data for our school. Please note that there were no Key Stage 2 Sats or published data in 2020 or 2021. You can also compare us to other local schools on this website.


*Please note the DFE Performance Table caveat on progress in junior schools:

”We know from national data that pupils at junior schools, on average, have higher attainment scores at the end of key stage 2 than pupils at all other primary schools. However, on average they also have lower progress score. This may be for a variety of reasons and should be taken into account when comparing their results to schools which start educating their pupils from the beginning of key stage 1.”


Financial Benchmarking

What is schools financial benchmarking?
Financial benchmarking means comparing your finances with other schools and academies who have similar characteristics and challenges. Areas that schools often compare are their income, expenditure, balance and workforce with either schools of a similar size or within their Local Authority (LA)

Moss Park Primary School Financial Benchmarking Report


Financial Information

The DfE requires all schools to publish how many school employees (if any) have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more in increments of £10,000

Please note that there are no employees at Moss Park Primary School whose gross annual salary exceeds or exceeded £100k.