Safeguarding at Moss Park Primary School


The governing body and all those who work at Moss Park Primary School put the safeguarding of pupils as their highest priority to ensure that all children are free to learn without worry or fear of harm. We regularly review our practices to ensure we comply with the DfE documents ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024’, 'Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018' and 'Safer Working Practices for Adults Working With Children and Young People in Education 2019' and other statutory guidance and always follow the guidance of the Trafford Strategic Safeguarding Partnership. Most recently (November 2023) we completed a Section 175 Safeguarding Audit for Trafford and we were assessed as meeting all the standards. We are committed to Trafford’s Operation Encompass, which is a scheme that provides a method of sharing information regarding domestic abuse between Greater Manchester Police, Trafford Council and Schools, and enables the designated safeguarding lead to be provided with information, explaining that a child was present in a household at the time that an incident of domestic abuse was recorded as having taken place.

Our Key Objectives at Moss Park Primary School

  • To keep learners safe, healthy and to care for and protect learners from harm
  • To identify concerns at the earliest possible stage and to take swift, decisive and immediate action where necessary
  • To ensure that children are aware of the different sources of harm and danger and to ensure that they know how to keep themselves safe
  • To protect children from extremism, radicalisation and any other kinds of harmful grooming
  • To keep children safe when using the internet and other forms of technology
  • To have all statutory policies and additional policies in place to ensure that safeguarding needs are met efficiently and effectively
  • To establish clear management strategies in relation to child protection and keeping all children safe
  • To ensure that all adults in school and school governors are appropriately recruited and vetted in line with DfE guidelines
  • To ensure that all governors and those working with children are properly trained for safeguarding children
  • To make all children aware of the procedures that they must use to report any concerns or complaints concerning their health and safety
  • To ensure a culture of vigilance amongst staff, parents and volunteers and an understanding that we are all working together to safeguard children
  • To work with relevant agencies to promote the health and safety of learners
  • To prevent bullying of any kind including peer to peer bullying, cyber bullying and any which is related to the protected characteristics set out in the Equality Act 2010
  • To ensure that pupils do not suffer from abuse by other pupils, including cyber bullying and sexting


  Designated Safeguarding                 Lead (DSL)

  Sally Nunwick

  Deputy DSL

  Richard Boyer

  Head teacher

  Sally Nunwick

  Named Safeguarding Governor       

  Allan Humphris

  Chair of Governors

  Allan Humphris

Please see our Safeguarding Policy and Child Protection for more information.

A good source of information for parents about online safety - ThinkUknow - is here: