PSHE and Relationships Education

Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE)

One of our school aims is to, "Equip pupils with the skills and values they need to form positive relationships based on equality and mutual respect" and an effective PSHE curriculum helps us to do that. Pupils say they enjoy PSHE lessons (pupil survey March 2023) and welcome the opportunity to learn more about themselves and their friends. 

We use the Jigsaw scheme and PSHE is one of our most popular subjects with children. They love the mix of discussion, drama, art, writing and activities.

In our latest Parental survey (July 2024) 98% agreed that, "The School supports my child wider personal development" and in our Key Stage 2 survey in May 2024, 98% of our pupils stated that they felt safe in school.


As a result of our PSHE programme of learning, pupils will...

  • Understand that they have a responsibility to make positive choices for themselves and those around them

  • Know and understand how PSHE education is connected to their current and future “real life” experiences

  • Be able to make positive, healthy lifestyle choices

  • Develop the skills of discussion, debate, accepting differing points of views, enquiry, self-examination, planning for change and managing emotions

  • Understand they have a right to be safe, happy and healthy now and in their future lives.

Relationships, Sex and Health Education

In 2019, the Department for Education (DfE) published guidance for Schools on Relationship Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education. This guidance replaced the Sex and Relationships guidance (2000). As a maintained primary school, we must provide Relationships Education to all pupils under section 34 of the Children and Social Work Act 2017.

These lessons are statutory and pupils do not withdraw from these lessons. Please note that while we changed our scheme of work to the popular JIGSAW curriculum, we are delivering the same aims and content as per our parent consultation in 2019*

As a Primary School, we are not required to provide Sex Education, but we do need to teach the elements of sex education contained in the Science curriculum in Year 5. This includes, "Describe the life process of reproduction in some plants and animals; describe the changes as humans develop to old age".

As a school, we do deliver a lesson on puberty and changes to our bodies in the autumn term of Year 6 (boys and girls are taught separately). This is classed as 'Sex Education' and as such, parents have the right to withdraw their child. We always write to parents before the session outlining what will be covered and we always share materials in advance. This session is usually led by the School Nursing team.

The aim of RSHE at Moss Park Primary School is to equip children and young people with the information, skills and values to have safe, fulfilling and enjoyable relationships of all kinds, and to take responsibility for their own health and wellbeing and that of others.

Through RSHE at Moss Park Primary School, we aim to:

  • Meet the requirements of the DfE guidance on RSHE via our Personal, Social and Economic curriculum (PSHE)

  • Help and support children through physical, emotional and moral development

  • Develop in children the skills and understanding to have the confidence to approach all of their relationships in a positive way

  • Support pupils in recognising positive, healthy and respectful relationships

  • Enable children to move with confidence from childhood through adolescence to adulthood

  • Live confident and healthy lives

  • Understand the changes that occur to the human body during puberty

  • Ensure children are aware of personal space and their right to privacy

  • Help to safeguard pupils

  • Teaches pupils tolerance and the importance of equality and respect for others

RSHE is taught primarily within our PSHE Education Curriculum and supported by National Curriculum Science, although there are cross-curricular links and aspects throughout the curriculum, for example online safety (computing). We consulted with parents, carers and staff before publishing our RSHE policy and we believe the policy and our curriculum closely links to our school values of Learn, Respect, Achieve and ensure all children are ready for their next steps in life.

Update September 2024 We will be republishing our PSHE curriculum (3 - 11 years) later in the autumn term to consult with parents again following our amalgamation, following the DFE changes to year group content & change of Government. We will use the consultation outcomes alongside staff and pupil voice to ensure our curriculum remains well matched to our pupils' needs.