

At Moss Park, our vision for maths is to empower and enable all children to be life-long mathematicians through a deep and sustainable understanding of mathematical concepts. Through a Teaching for Mastery approach, children develop secure knowledge and fluency in fundamental number facts and times tables that can be used flexibly to recognise similar structures, make connections and develop an understanding of mathematical language that allows pupils to reason and articulate their thinking. Horizon thinking is at the forefront of teachers’ planning, ensuring that children progress through the small steps of a concept, making links explicit to enable pupils to build on what they already know.

Our Pedagogy

We have been developing a Teaching for Mastery approach to maths. We use the White Rose Maths scheWRM.pngme, as a basis for our teaching, alongside the National Curriculum. Problem solving, fluency and relational understanding are at the heart of the scheme.

Lessons are planned and delivered using the principles of Teaching for Mastery and tailored to each class’s needs



Quick and efficient recall of facts and procedures and the flexibility to move between different contexts and representations of mathematics - NCETM

  • We have short daily bursts on fluency. In KS1, this primarily focuses on the addition and subtraction facts to 20 and is supported by the associated flash cards. We are currently in the process of incorporating the Mastering Number Programme delivered by Turing Maths Hub and the NCETM, which will further support the development of fluency in KS1.

  • In KS2, there is also daily focus on fluency. Classes may develop fluency skills in all operations but also have a specific focus and strategy each week based on children's GAPS. Most KS2 classes also have a times table lesson each week, that focuses on connections, strategies and related number facts.

  • Pupils are encouraged to use TTRS at home and at school where appropriate. Battles between classes are used to encourage participation and Rock Status certificates reward effort and progress as pupils work through the programme.

Representation and Structure

A representation needs to clearly show the concept being taught, and in particular the key difficulty point. It exposes the structure. A stem sentence describes the representation and helps the students move to working in the abstract (e.g. “ten tenths is equivalent to one whole”) – NCETM

  • Teachers introduce a concept using a concrete, pictorial, abstract approach and use representations as a means to show the structure of the maths being learned. We highlight the idea of ‘Build it, draw it, write it, calculate it’. Often, the pictorial representation (e.g. place value grid) and abstract calculation (e.g. column addition) are used side by side until pupils can work confidently in the abstract.

  • All year groups are accustomed to bar models, part whole models, ten frames, place value charts, counters, Numicon, hundred squares and Dienes blocks and how they can be used. Teachers select the representation that best supports the learning of the concept.

  • Stem sentences are often used to highlight generalisations, for example ‘ten tens are equal to one hundred’. They may also be used as a scaffold to support understanding. E.g. in fractions, ‘The whole is divided into x (denominator) equal parts and we take x (numerator) parts.’

Mathematical thinking

Mathematical thinking is central to deep and sustainable learning of mathematics. Taught ideas that are understood deeply are not just ‘received’ passively but worked on by the student. They need to be thought about, reasoned with and discussed. - NCETM

  • Lessons will often start with a challenge that lets pupils have a go themselves before the lesson supports their learning to solve the problem efficiently.

  • Throughout the lessons, there is a mixture of my turn, your turn style teaching, which also allows pupils to work with their talk partner and for them to have a go at some tasks independently before the main independent learning task.

  • Lessons are planned to highlight and draw out misconceptions; this may be with a character or with a statement to prove/disprove/explore, e.g. Always, Sometimes, Never. What’s the same; what’s different? True or False.


Lessons are broken down into small connected steps that gradually unfold the concept, providing access for all children and leading to a generalisation of the concept and the ability to apply the concept to a range of contexts. – NCETM

  • Teachers use the White Rose Maths long term plan to structure their teaching over the year. This has been supplemented by the DfE guidance documents to support teachers in prioritising learning to ensure that pupils are ready to progress at the end of the year.

  • Teachers spend time mapping out the learning sequence outlined in the White Rose long term plan using our weekly planning proforma to identify the end points of pupils’ learning and plan lessons accordingly (demonstrating horizon thinking).

  • Individual lessons are designed as a series of small steps based on the White Rose scheme of learning, tailored to the needs of the class. Opportunities to deepen and support learning are planned into the lessons, which are supplemented with appropriate representations and reasoning opportunities.


Variation is twofold. It is firstly about how the teacher represents the concept being taught, often in more than one way, to draw attention to critical aspects, and to develop deep and holistic understanding. It is also about the sequencing of the episodes, activities and exercises used within a lesson and follow up practice, paying attention to what is kept the same and what changes, to connect the mathematics and draw attention to mathematical relationships and structure. – NCETM

  • During the planning phase, teachers ensure that the way questions are presented draws pupils’ attention to the key learning: all non-essential features are varied while the essential features stay the same. This supports pupils in identifying the key features of the concept and addresses misconceptions.

Lessons typically are broken into five parts:

  1. Daily review - children recap and recall prior learning using "Flashback 4" as a retrieval based followed by a mental and oral starter and fluency task

  2. Model - the teacher introduces and explains the new learning for the lesson.

  3. Guided Practice - children practice new learning in groups, pairs or individually guided by the teacher using concrete examples and resources.

  4. Independent Practice - practice on your own. Once children have mastered the concept they use their reasoning and problem-solving skills to develop their depth of learning. 

  5. Check for understanding - Challenge and review (typically involving abstract activities)

We have aligned our weekly planning proforma and principles with Rosenshines Principles of Instruction in order to aid and maximise the retrieval of concepts taught, through the way in which we; guide, model and scaffold our teaching.


  • We recognise the importance of developing a love of learning and a love of Maths, creating independent and resilient learners. We endeavour  to provide opportunities for learning to occur beyond the classroom, making use of our outdoor environment.

  • We use Times Tables Rockstars as a tool to help pupils develop fluency in multiplication tables.

  • Numbots to improve fluency and basic skills

  • We use Classroom secrets to supplement WRM and enable our children to develop their reasoning and problem solving and not only to understand these concepts in Maths but to master them.

  • We use Testbase exam style questions to supplement WRM and consolidate learning in a consistent way across the school. Through the use of Test base and the use of our weekly Arithmetic tests ensure that gaps can be identified and basic skills are fully embedded for all ability groups.  

  • As part of our mission to enable every child to succeed, we provide Same day interventions and opportunities for pre teaching. Some of our children with SEND have individual IEP targets which fall under the category of Cognition and Learning


We provide children with the opportunity to use a wide range of manipulatives (base 10, numicon, counters, multilink, number lines, counters), this allows children to work in a practical way, which builds their confidence and has a positive impact on their attitude towards learning.

Maths in EYFS

In Early Years, we follow the EYFS Statutory Framework alongside Development matters Non statutory guidance. These are supplemented with our Schemes of Learning - Mastering the curriculum which is used in Nursery which then feeds into White Rose Maths in Reception. 

We have a whole school Progression map which is broken down into the topic areas, this clearly shows the end points in Year 6 and ensures  that prior learning and skills are built upon. It also incorporates KS1 and EYFS to ensure appropriate progression in accordance with the National curriculum, alongside EYFS Framework; Development matters and Birth to 5.

We recognise that children start their journey with us at different starting points, with some children already being confident with numbers to 5 when they start Reception.  Our curriculum enables teachers to ensure that children are being sufficiently challenged by providing opportunities for the children to reason and problem solve. The ‘digging deeper’ pages within WRM are designed to explore concepts more deeply and build in additional challenges. Many children will be able to count beyond 5 and children love to explore larger numbers during their play.

Across EYFS time is built in daily Maths whole class inputs. Sessions begin with songs and/or rhymes which link to that lesson learning to immerse the children in the lesson. In reception lessons begin with a 5 minute Mastering Number session followed by a whole class teacher input. Questioning is used to activate prior knowledge and prior learning is recapped.Stem sentences are used to scaffold learning and children are given opportunities to to orally rehearse these, strengthening their reasoning and problem solving skills.  Concepts are then developed further with short adult led activities which provide the children with opportunities to practice new skills through play. This is also encouraged in different areas of the provision either independently or with adult support. The children are provided with regular opportunities to practice their counting and subitising skills and revisit prior learning. 

Children are then given opportunities to consolidate their learning within the different areas of provision.

How can I help my child at home?

TTRS.pngFrom Years 2-6 we also use Times Tables Rockstars to provide extra support to the children in learning their times tables. Teachers set regular challenges and competitions in class. Times Table Rockstars can be found using the following link:

We also use Numbots in KS1 to enable every child to develop their understanding, recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction, so that they move from counting to calculating. Numbots can be found using the following link:

mymaths.pngEach week the children in Years 2-6 have to complete a set piece of homework using MyMaths, linking to the work they have been doing in school. This is set on a Friday and is to be completed by the following Friday.

MyMaths focuses on building children’s skills, confidence and fluency in maths through lessons, homework, games and booster packs and provides children with Immediate feedback

Alongside each piece of homework, there is a lesson offering step by step guides to support the children if they require any extra help. Each child has their own personal login to access their homework. Please use the following link to access the maths homework site: